Meta-analysis of the Sport Development of the Armed Forces of I.R. of Iran

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch

2 Vice President of the International Military Sports Council (CISM)

3 PhD Student of Sport Management, Islamic Azad University, Hamadan Branch


Strategy of an organization affects the underlying structures, policies, programs, and core activities of the organization. Strategy is a transformational approach, but one of the reasons for lack of its usage in organizations is that managers avoid its high risk. If the operational factors regarding this risk are better understood and measures are taken to control and curb it, there will undoubtedly be more effective space to take advantage of the benefits of this approach. While I.R. of Iran's Armed Forces Physical Education Organization has been able to perform its liabilities well by employing the strategic planning process, the question is: Is it necessary for those programs to be revised and modified regarding their content and structure? In this regard, the aim of the present study was to identify the main strategies for the development of the Armed Forces by utilizing meta-analysis and combining the findings of all available sources. The present study was a meta-analysis. The statistical population of the study consists of all plans, programs and strategic documents of Iranian Armed Forces sport organizations that were selected for the research sample and meta-analysis. The findings of this study showed that the major goals and related strategies regarding sport in the Armed Forces can be grouped into five groups: Public, championship, cultural, knowledge development and resource development, and in the horizon of 1404, directs the Iranian Armed Forces Physical Education Organization on the right track by emphasizing the strengthening of the military family's shares in championship sport.


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