Designing an Innovation Development Strategy of the Defense Organizations with a Strategic Approach

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Associate Professor Malek Ashtar University of Technology

2 PhD Student, Industrial Management Department, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Islamic Azad University, Tehran South Branch


Innovation is a necessity for the organizational life and its continuity and survival in a competitive world and the complex domestic and international markets. In the field of defense, innovation in the advancement of equipment, processes, and provision of advanced services in the armed forces plays a crucial role and basically seeks to recognize and describe improvements or qualitative developments in the military effectiveness. The subject of this research is to design a pattern of innovation development of the defense organizations with a strategic approach. The main question of the research is: What is the optimal model for the development of the innovation in the defense organizations? This study was conducted using a descriptive-survey method and its statistical population was selected purposefully. It involved those who, in addition to being familiar with the innovation and organizational innovation, were familiar with the defensive organizations and the requirements of the defensive innovation. According to Morgan’s table, 120 individuals were selected as the statistical sample of this research. A researcher-made questionnaire consisting of 70 questions was used to answer the research questions. Its reliability was calculated 0.997 using SPSS software. Since the data were normal, Pearson correlation test and the confirmatory factor analysis were used for analyzing them. The most significant results are as the following: Defensive innovation competence had an impact of 99.29% on the ability defensive innovation and defensive innovation ability had also an impact of 99.77% on defense innovation performance.


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