Factors Influencing the Sociology of defense in I.R. of Iran

Document Type : research Artichel


PhD student in National Security, Supreme National Defense University


Development of defense capabilities is indubitably one of the main concerns of government officials in most countries. It should be done in such a way that will increase the defense coefficient of the country in order to lead to preemption, or in the case of war, the defense structure will have the best performance. The research method in this paper is a case study with a quantitative and a descriptive-analytical approach which seeks to answer this question: What factors are influential upon defense process from a sociological perspective? In order to answer this question, the researcher studied the authentic Persian and English sources using the library method and extracted the necessary information. In order to validate the findings, researcher-made questionnaires were distributed among 50 experts, as a statistical sample, who were familiar with defense-security and sociological issues of the country. The general finding of the study shows that politics, economics, geography and history are influential upon the defense sociology. As a result, consolidation of the defense base is not only in capitalizing on defense hardware and software, but also its complement, paying attention to the status of forces and social conditions. The application of the results of sociological studies of defense also strengthens the foundation and fundamentals of the country's defense. The findings indicate that the favorable or at least acceptable state of defense economy, high national loyalty, interaction based on caution and avoidance of optimism, high threshold of national tolerance and cohesion along with self-healing capacity, existence of a desirable sociability, society's view of defense as a national obligation are among the features that puts the society in promising defense conditions. The characteristics of defense forces such as the internalization of values like fighting and defending until reaching victory (material or spiritual), obedience, consolidation of forces and defense structure, the presence of appropriate ambitions and morale, can guarantee the success of the country in the realm of defense.


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