Improving the Readiness to Absorb Defensive Technologies through Strategic Human Resource Planning in Defense Organizations

Document Type : research Artichel


1 PHD educator of semnan universityPhD Student in Human Resource Management, Semnan University

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics, Management and Administrative Sciences, Semnan University

3 PhD student in Human Resource Management, Semnan University

4 Master of Defense Management, AJA Command and Staff University


The increasing importance of knowledge resources outside the organization has made the readiness to absorb technology as a key dynamic capability in knowledge-based competition. The aim of this study is to identify the most effective human resource processes on improving the readiness to absorb defensive technologies, explain the relationships, and how human resource processes affect this kind of readiness to absorb defensive technologies. To do this, Delphi analysis method was used to identify effective human resource processes on improving the readiness to absorb defensive technology and Structural equations method method was used to explain the relationships between processes and determine the effectiveness of each of the identified processes on improving the readiness to captivate defensive technology. The results of the study, while confirming the significant relationship between strategic planning of human resource processes and improving the readiness to absorb defensive technology, the path to achieve readiness to absorb defensive technology, through targeted use of processes related to human resource development, identifies management of pioneering performance and creating a learning organization and determines the effectiveness of each human resource process on improving the readiness to absorb defensive technology.


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