Designing an Assessing Model for the Capacity of Technology in Tactical Vehicle Production (Comparing a Defense Company with Similar Industries in the World)

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Professor of AJA Command and Staff University

2 Master of Technology Management, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch

3 PhD student in Technology Management, Allameh Tabatabaii University


One of the crucial factors regarding the success of applying technology in order to gain a competitive advantage in companies of the developing countries is the awareness and recognition considering the level of technological abilities and capabilities of the firm and using them to create relative advantages. Due to the fact that at the firm level, the challenges are largely related to the creation of a sustainable competitive advantage for products in the market, the model used to assess their technological capability should possess, at the same time, the ability of technological capability in regard to technical capabilities, performance and production capability and economical capability. This study was performed with the aim of designing, in an applied and descriptive way, an assessment model regarding the technological capability for a defense company. Its population included two group: 1: The users and consumers of the tactical vehicle (N =120), from among whom 55 individuals were selected as the sample, 2: experts and specialists of the mentioned company (N=10). In order to prepare the questionnaire, different models and perspectives were evaluated and using the experts' opinion the desired model was developed. Through summarizing the indicators presented in the above models, 7 indicators in the dimension of performance, 10 indicators in the dimension of capabilities and technical knowledge, and 4 indicators in the economic dimension were identified. Regarding the analysis of the data, it was found that the mentioned defense company has a rank of 19 among 34 companies (from 21 countries) which produce tactical vehicles. At the end, considering future threats, improvement strategies are presented to eliminate or reduce the gap in the products of this defense company.


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ج. تارنماها