Explaining the Aims of the Islamic Republic of Iran Regarding Promotion of Regional Power

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Associate Professor of Internal Security, Amin University of Law Enforcement Sciences

2 Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Ivanki University

3 PhD Student in Strategic Defense Management, University and Higher Research Institute of National Defense and Strategic Research


Promotion of the regional power for the Islamic Republic of Iran, which is located in one of the strategic geopolitical regions of the world, is a necessity in order to pave the ground for the realization of the lofty goals of the system and the Islamic Revolution. As a result, it is necessary for the Islamic Republic of Iran define and state its objectives in a clear way considering promotion of the regional power in order to exclude the suspicion of Iran's decolonization. On the other hand, if the Islamic Republic of Iran explains its humanitarian actions and benevolent aims, other countries in the region will align with it in order to achieve stable and unwavering security. This is an applied research and employed a mixed method with a descriptive-analytical approach. The aim of this study was to explain the aims of the Islamic Republic of Iran in regard to promotion of its regional power. The data were collected by two library and field (questionnaire) methods and were analyzed using SPSS software. The validity of the questionnaire was determined through content validity and two-stage distribution and its reliability was 0.961 using Cronbach's alpha method. The statistical sample included 57 individuals. Finally, the aims of the Islamic Republic of Iran in regard to promotion of regional power were defined in terms of three major goals, i.e. deterrence, comprehensive defense and legitimate defense, and were approved by the statistical population with 95% confidence. By determining the distance of the mean of the statistical population, calculating the composite mean and finally using the frequency argument of  "x2", the researcher determined the level of significance and at the end it was determined that the main goal of the Islamic Republic of Iran in promoting regional power is to achieve "comprehensive defense deterrence". (Relying on the expansion and development of defense-security capabilities and capacities).


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