Representing the Agile Innovation Model for Defensive Industrial Organizations of Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : research Artichel


1 PhD student in Industrial Management, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch

2 Associate Professor in Malek Ashtar University of Technology

3 Assistant Professor in Malik Ashtar University of Technology

4 Professor and Higher Institute of National Defense and Strategic Research


Agile innovation means a set of processes, instruments and methods to improve the ability to react quickly to the shifting needs of the market and customers, along with decreasing costs and improving the quality of products and services. The foundation of agile innovation is to align employees and work processes in a homogeneous, interactive and flexible system in order to make them smart and attain dominance. The present study has been conducted with the aim of "planning the agile innovation model of defensive industrial organizations with structural-interpretive modeling and fuzzy dematel modeling". It is an applied research in terms of its purpose, and a descriptive-analytical, survey and correlational one regarding its method. The study population was 80 experts who were selected as the sample based on the Morgan table. Also, 12 experts answered the questionnaire in order to classify and prioritize the factors. The data collection instrument employed in this research was a researcher-made questionnaire including 52 items. Its Cronbach's alpha coefficient was calculated to be 0.920. As the research findings shows, hardware capability, software capability, variation in occupational and technical processes, reconfiguration, improving the quality of products and services, flexibility in product design and production process, competency in designing new products, speed in designing and production of new products, planning of production, capability-orientedness, speed of reaction to new threats and needs, success in meeting current needs, economic and market success, success in creating opportunities and environmental intelligence have close relationship with each other, thus changing each of them will influence other factors as well. Moreover, based on fuzzy dematel output, hardware capability is the most effective factor and environmental intelligence is the most susceptible factor among the other factors.


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