Identification and Explanation of the Future Drivers of Human Resources in the Defense Industries of the Islamic Republic of Iran with a Future Research Approach

Document Type : research Artichel


1 MA in Industrial Engineering, Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran

2 Associate Professor and Faculty Member, Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran

3 Assistant Professor and Faculty Member of Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran


The importance of conducting research on issues in the field of human resources has become more apparent regarding the changes in this arena. This research aims to study the future of human resources and also to recognize the characteristics of human resources during the future decades in the defense industries. Thus, in this study, at first the effective drivers on the future of human resources were extracted by conducting interviews and data analysis method, then in order to determine the validity of these drivers, the expertise of professors and experts in this field were used in the form of expertise Delphi. The statistical population included experts in the field of human resources in the defense industries and the sampling method is nonprobability due to the quality of the research method. Finally, by using interviews and extracting drivers and surveying experts in the form of expertise Delphi and using SPSS software, the most important drivers affecting the future of human resources were presented. The results of this study showed that the most important drivers affecting the future of human resources are as the following: Economic inequity, decline in the attraction of employing knowledgeable forces in government organizations, reduction in economic growth, intergenerational gap, increase of elders in the future of the country and unemployment. Finally, solutions have been presented for each of these drivers.


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