Analysis of the Alteration of the Balance of Power between Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United States in the Persian Gulf Geopolitical Realm in the Aftermath of 9/11

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Department of Political Science and International Relations, Rafsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rafsanjan, Iran.

2 Department of Political Science and International Relations, Rafsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University

3 Department of Law and Political Science, Baft Branch, Islamic Azad University, Baft, Iran

4 Department of Political Science and International Relations, Rafsanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rafsanjan, Iran


In the aftermath of 9/11, the West Asian region faced with sweeping political, economic, and security changes which lead to the formation of a new regional balance of power between Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United States, in such a way that the regional goals of each of these countries brought about a range from traditional forces balance to the threat balance. In this analytical-descriptive study, in order to explain the function of the balance of power approach in competition between three actors from the perspective of regional studies knowledge has been considered by inspecting the regional goals of the actors and considering the trends and stimuli leading to the formation of a security system of balance of power from the viewpoint of domestic and global theorists, the balance of power in the next decade. Then, based on research findings by presenting a conceptual chart, three scenarios (balance of traditional power, balance of threat and interaction) is predicted. The results indicate that in the future, the likelihood of Iran's convergence with Saudi Arabia and the United States is low (the average intensity of regional convergence is 41.8%) and the balance of traditional forces in the region is still the most likely option. The level of tension-seeking of the actors' goals are as the following: Saudi Arabia, Iran and the United States, respectively. Saudi Arabia's susceptibility from the United States has been very high, and it plays a supporting reactor role in US regional policies, and Iran plays a deterrent role. This study is important from theoretical and practical points of view. The data were collected by library method (note taking tools), then the interrelationships between the targets and the actors were analyzed using future research tools such as Mactor software, "Graffer" geometric design software, games theory and "diagonal matrix" pattern.


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