Explaining the Implementation Stage of the Formation Pattern of the Military Doctrine of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : research Artichel


PhD in Strategic Defense Sciences, University and Higher Institute of National Defense and Strategic Research, and lecturer at Khatam Al-Anbia University of Air Defense


The Strategic Military Guide refers to the basic rules and systematic framework and principles that result from knowledge, experience, study, analysis and testing, and the way to use capabilities to achieve military objectives and in general the way the armed forces fight on the battlefield. By examining the various processes of internal and comparative studies, the formation pattern of the military doctrine of the Islamic Republic of Iran, includes five basic stages: Gathering information, planning, manufacturing, implementation and feedback provided. The dimension (stage) of implementation is very important among these five stages. The aim of this research is to explain the implementation stage of the formation pattern of the military guide of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This research is an applied-developmental one and it has used a mixed and case-contextual approach. The research data were analyzed by content analysis. The spatial territory of this research is Islamic Republic of Iran and its thematic territory is at the strategic level. The size of the sample population is consistent with the statistical population and a sample of 30 individuals have been selected. The results indicate that the most important factors regarding the dimension (stage) of the implementation of the guideline include five factors (the required organizational structure, required technology, training, formulation/ improvement of strategy and tactics, and preparation of plans) and 12 sub-factors (organization, sections (Strategic, operational and strategic), equipment, processes, methods, individual training, unit training, deterrence, offensive, defense, operational and development).


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