Introduction of the Effective Factors on the Successful Implementation of Strategies in the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : research Artichel


PhD Student in Military Strategic Management, University and Higher Research Institute of National Defense and Strategic Research


Implementation of a strategy is always much more difficult than its formulation, and in principle, the main challenges of strategic management lie more in the implementation stage of the strategy than that of strategy formulation. Most organizations today are trying to move from the search for great strategies to the great capabilities of strategy implementation. Since, nowadays, the implementation of the strategy in various organizations, especially military organizations, has become more important, the main goal of this study is to "identify the factors affecting the successful implementation of the strategy in the army of the Islamic Republic of Iran." This research is an applied study and its method of data collection is a library and documentary one. Using a descriptive-analytical method, it has been tried to prioritize the strategy, its implementation and effective factors upon it. In this regard, the relevant questionnaires were prepared and designed and were distributed among the statistical population of 40 individuals and then using descriptive and inferential statistical analysis methods and SPSS software, the Research questions were summarized and evaluated. Finally, 34 factors affecting the successful implementation of the strategy in the statistical organization were obtained and using the "Friedman" test, "development and implementation strategies based on values, measures of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, ideals and vision" and "threat-based, mission-oriented approach in implementation" and "allocation of optimal resources and facilities" and "the presence of commanders with the ability to think strategically and systematically and their familiarity with the concepts of strategy and its implementation" as the most important factors affecting strategy implementation in Iran were ranked.


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