Investigating the Impact of US Doctrines and Strategies on Establishing Fixed Bases in the Peripheral Region of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Southwest Asia)

Document Type : research Artichel


1 PhD Student in Defense Policy, Supreme National Defense University

2 Faculty member and Assistant Professor of Dafous Aja

3 PhD student in Defense Policy, Supreme National Defense University


Some of the interests of the United States are largely associated with Southwest Asia and the issues arising from it. The doctrines and strategies of this country are being compiled obviously based on the context of this region and, above all, the Holy System of I.R. of Iran. Recent developments in the world and the neighboring region of I.R. of Iran confirms explanation of U.S. military guidelines and strategies against I.R. of Iran by organizing the nature of its threats in terms of establishing or strengthening fixed bases. It is obvious that the presence of American forces near the borders of the Islamic Republic of Iran is always considered as a serious threat to this holy system and the consequences of establishing permanent bases in the region will be directly against the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Therefore, this study aimed to identify "the impact of US guidelines and strategies regarding the establishment of permanent US bases in the peripheral region of the Islamic Republic of Iran" which answered the corresponding research question. This research is an applied-developmental one and it employed a descriptive-analytical mixed method approach. Both field and library methods were used to collect data. Qualitative data analysis, descriptive analysis and data Quantitative inferential analysis were performed. To answer the research question with regard the characteristics of the statistical population, 42 experts in this field were purposefully selected and a research questionnaire was distributed among them. The highest effect of "the role of US guidelines and strategies in establishing fixed bases in the neighborhood of the Islamic Republic of Iran" is related to the "Energy Security Strategy" with a value of 4.667 and a very high weight and the lowest one is related to "Kennedy Flexible Response" with a value of 2.429 and an average weight.


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ب. منابع انگلیسی
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