Strategies of Augmenting the Regional Power of the I.R. of Iran Based on the Role of Yemen's Military Geopolitical Factors

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Associate Professor of Internal Security, Amin University of Law Enforcement Sciences

2 Professor of Ivanki Non-Profit University

3 Assistant Professor of Strategic Management, Imam Hussein University

4 PhD Student in Defense Strategic Management, University and Supreme Research Institute of National Defense and Strategic Research


Promoting the regional power of the I. R. of Iran, located in one of the strategic geopolitical regions of the globe, is a necessity in order to pave the ground for the realization of the supreme goals of the system and the Islamic Revolution. Geopolitical factors are those elements of power that are regarded as important constituents in the acquisition and promotion of the power of countries. Regarding the scope of these components, the element of the military geopolitics of the power was studied to reach the aim of this study, i.e. "providing strategies to promote the regional power of the I. R. of Iran based on the role of Yemen's military geopolitical factors. This study was an applied one which employed a descriptive-analytical method. Data collection was performed using desk and field methods (interview and questionnaire). The qualitative and quantitative data were analyzed through content analysis method with the help of "Maxqda" software and quantitative data analysis software, respectively. The validity and reliability of this instrument was calculated by content validity and "Cronbach's alpha", respectively. The statistical population included 45 participants and the sampling was a non-random method. Finally, regarding the research findings, strategies such as the development of military diplomacy and the promotion of joint military cooperation with Yemen, the development and strengthening of military support from Houthi Movement according to the environmental conditions, strengthening resilience and defense deterrence of the people, demonstration of the role of military power in acquiring the strategic achievements of the I. R. of Iran in the domestic, regional and international environments and realization of the consequences of the actions have been extracted.


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