Designing a Model for Establishing a Support Base in the Gulf of Aden to Continue the Operation of NEDAJA Floating Units

Document Type : research Artichel


1 PhD in Strategic Management, University of National Defense and Assistant Professor, University of Command and Staff of the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran

2 PhD in National Defense, Higher National Defense University

3 Academic member of DAFUS of Islamic Republic of Iran Army


In today's world of the seas, especially being present in the international waters, is one of the most important concerns of countries owning power. In fact, the country that has more dominance on the sea, the more powerful it is. Fortunately, the Islamic Republic of Iran, by the order of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Imam Khamenei, has turned its attention away from the its seas, the Persian Gulf and the Sea of ​​Oman, which indicates the presence of the Islamic Republic of Iran regarding its international role. The Strategic Navy Force has shown significant measurements in recent years that fortunately their results have been step-by-step and successful in the Gulf of Aden. Each phase in addition to this golden leaf has increased the military capabilities of the Islamic Republic of Iran and has played a significant role in providing the security of sea and sea lines. The prime concern of the researcher is the lack of an appropriate model for launching a support base for the continuation of operations of Nedaja floating units in the International Area of ​​the Gulf of Aden, which was addressed in this study. This research employs the case study method and using descriptive statistical indicators such as means, graphs and frequency distribution tables in order to describe the characteristics of the statistical population and the data related to dimensions, components and indicators. Multiple correlation coefficients are used to express confidence percentage and β coefficient for ranking dimensions, components and indicators of the support base of the Gulf of Aden. In order to determine the role and impact of each of these dimensions, components and indicators, correlation statistics has been employed. Also, in order to confirm their impact on the appropriate model of the creation of the Gulf of Aden base and harmony between them, factor analysis was used and finally the conclusion and the pattern of establishing a support base in the Gulf of Aden were identified with 2 dimensions, 6 components and 59 indices.


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    ب. وبگاه‌ها

    1. Sea