The Model of an Effective Commander and Manager in the Army of the I.R. of Iran Based on the Thoughts of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Associate Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University

2 Professional PhD Student, Lecturer at Khatam Al-Anbia Air Defense University


The importance of the role of manager and commander and its impact on the construction of human societies and the development of the world has nowadays been proven more than ever. It has been proven by experience that among human societies, the one that has been able to grow and develop more and more and gain better achievements has profited from the presence of more competent and knowledgeable managers and commanders. This study has been conducted with the aim of providing a model of a successful commander and manager in the Army of the I. R. of Iran based on the philosophies of the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces. The present research is of an applied one and has been done by studying the thoughts of the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces, reliable documents and sources, religious sources and teachings, as well as using the opinions of experts and intellectuals. The collected data from the study of the mentioned sources were analyzed in a qualitative manner using open coding tables, axial coding and selective coding based on data-based theory. Using the two descriptive and inferential ways of "Student T" and "Chi-square" tests, the quantitatively collected information through questionnaire have been analyzed in in order to measure the final pattern. The results obtained from this research were provided in the form of six dimensions of: (1) Intuitiveness and spirituality, (2) organization management and administration (3) leadership, (4) individuality, ethical and perceptual, (5) experimental, knowledge and skills and (6) social relations with 24 components and 180 indices.


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