Competences of Mobilization in Upholding the Deterrence of the Naval Defense of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : research Artichel


Assistant Professor of Imam Hussein University (AS)


Defending the national security of I.R of Iran in the realm of the seas in front of different players and threats is in need of authority and power that will lead to deterrence. This prevention will be manifest when the I. R. of Iran use all the national capabilities of the country. One of the national capacities of the country is the mobilization of people, which can play a key role in cultivating the deterrence of the naval defense of the I. R. of Iran. So far, this important issue has not been properly taken into account. This research has been conducted with the aim of "introducing the competences of mobilization in promoting the deterrence of the naval defense of the I. R. of Iran". This study is an applied one in terms of its purpose and descriptive-analytical regarding its methodology. A mix of descriptive and inferential statistics has been used to analyze the collected data. The statistical population of this study was 80 individuals and the statistical sample using Cochran's formula was 54 individuals. The research questionnaire was made by the researcher and its validity was confirmed by calculating the Lawshe coefficient of about 0.9 and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.891. The results showed that the capabilities of the mobilization in promoting the deterrence of the naval defense of the I. R. of Iran were confirmed in the form of four components (intelligence, operational, soft power and naval sovereignty).


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