Introducing a Model for Improving Research and Development Capabilities in the Defense Industry of the I. R. of Iran with Advanced Aerospace Technology

Document Type : research Artichel


1 PhD in Technology Management, Department of Technology Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty member, Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran

3 Faculty member, Professor of Industrial Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Regarding fact that the aerospace industry is one of the industries with advanced technology and due to the usage of current technology in the production process of its yields, it needs to move within the boundaries of knowledge and technology. What facilitates this affair is research and development in this industry. This study aims to develop a model for improving research and development capabilities to attain business goals in these industries, using the system dynamics method as a powerful instrument to analyze the components affecting the system and analyze the relationships between them and predict future system behavior based on the defined scenarios.
Nine dimensions of research and development capabilities in these industries were identified in two main categories, including general and specific factors. Cause and effect loops have been extracted with the help of industry experts and the pattern design and validation has been done using Vensim software. In this study, three scenarios have been considered to increase the amount of research and development competences. In the baseline scenario, it is assumed that the values ​​of the parameters and decision-making levers are in line with the past trends. In the optimistic state, the exogenous variables increase by 20 percent in comparison with the initial state, and in the pessimistic state, the exogenous variables decrease by ±20 percent compared to the initial state. The simulation results show that a 20 percent changes in the variables shows the effects that are consistent with the change, which in the optimistic case increases the specific capabilities by about 16 percent and the general capabilities by about 18 percent, which point to the effectiveness of the changes.


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