Developing a security-intelligence model of the Islamic Republic of Iran based on the ideas of the Supreme Leader

Document Type : research Artichel


1 PhD student in political science, Islamic Azad university, Qom branch

2 Professor of Political Science, Islamic Azad university, Qom branch, Author

3 Assistant Professor of Political Science, Islamic Azad university, Qom branch


Security is the most basic conscious action of the human mind, the most basic need of society and the guarantor of the sufficiency and survival of the system. The Islamic Revolution of Iran, while adopting a realistic approach to security, has deep epistemological foundations in theory and a revolutionary and unique pragmatic action in the approach, which is demonstrated in the thoughts of the pioneers of the Revolution. As regards that some research for realization of these thoughts have methodological, posterior defects and based on superficial content analysis and sometimes have no theoretical basis.This present study is a systematic attempt to extract the fundamental variables in the security-intelligence ideas of the Supreme Leader of the Revolution through an integrated methodological innovation that after quantitative validation through heuristic and confirmatory factor analysis in structural equation modeling discovered the nature of these variables based on the effect matrix analysis. The results of the research showed that there are 17 fundamental variables with acceptable Load factor in four components of "ethical", "content and value", "operational and executive" and "evaluation and feedback" in their thinking that are in terms of nature, it categorized in influential variables (fundamental, environmental), two-dimensional variables (risk, goal), dependent variables, independent variables (exception, secondary leverage), strategic variables and regulatory variables. Common world security theories are unique. The results of this research provide an accredited, reliable and valid model for system strategists.


  1. الف. منابع فارسی

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