Presenting an Indigenous model of social capital in the army of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : research Artichel


1 PhD in public policy; Islamic Azad University Science and Research Unit

2 Master's student in mathematics at Mohaghegh Ardabili University

3 PhD in public administration from Tarbiat Modares University and a member of the academic staff of Imam Ali Officers University


Social capital is one of the factors affecting the development of organizations and provides an appropriate platform for empowerment and productivity of human resources. Utilization of other organizational capital is also possible by the help of the promotion of this capital. The Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran (AJA) as an ancient, systematic and rational organization, in order to improve the current status of its social capital, in the first step needs to design a native model of social capital, based on the findings of this model in the second step to identify the current situation and Then pay the favorable condition of social capital. The purpose of the present study is to elaborate the indigenous model of social capital in AJA. This research is applied research and uses qualitative methods (descriptive-analytical). Its statistical population includes 20 AJA experts who were selected from the four AJA forces in accordance with the required experience and expertise by the judgment sampling. The data gathered with library data and field data (experts' view on Delphi technique). Research findings show that the social capital model in AJA has 5 components in the structural dimension, 5 components in the cognitive dimension and 4 components in the communication dimension and a total of 56 indicators.


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