Research paper: Factors influencing the formulation of operational guidelines of the Air Defense Force of Iran Reza Shamlou; Mohammad Yousefi Khoshqalb and Mohammad Reza Farkhande-Najad

Document Type : research Artichel


1 PhD in strategic military management of the National Defense University and lecturer at Khatam-ul-Anbia University (responsible author)

2 PhD in strategic cyber management of Malik Ashtar University of Technology and instructor of Khatamal Anbia University of Air Defense (p.

3 Senior expert in passive defense, Malik Ashtar University of Technology and lecturer at Khatamal Anbia University of Air Defense (p.


The Iranian Air Defense Force is responsible for defending the resources, interests and vital values ​​of the country, and as it is considered one of the main and most prominent defense sectors of the country, and according to the requirements of the Supreme Leader It is the frontline of the country's defense, it can play a role in improving the country's defense capability. Efficient and effective defense and guidance of forces requires measures, approaches and techniques to deal with threats, which have been developed in times of war and peace, taking into account the basic principles under the title of operational guidelines. The type of this research is practical and with the aim of introducing the factors influencing the formulation of the principles of the operational guidelines of the AJA Air Defense Force. The method of gathering the required data and information is library and documentary, and with the descriptive-analytical method, by conducting theoretical studies, the effective factors on the formulation of the operational guidelines of the Air Defense Force have been introduced. In this regard, the relevant questionnaire was prepared and designed and distributed among the statistical community of 60 people in full, and then using the methods of descriptive and inferential statistics analysis and SPSS software, 24 factors were identified as factors influencing the formulation of the operational guidelines of the Defense Force. Iran's J.A. Air Force was identified and prioritized. The results of this research showed that "values ​​and beliefs", "Measures and menus of the Supreme Leader" and "defense policies of the country" were prioritized as the most important factors influencing the formulation of the operational guidelines of the Air Defense Force. .


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