Research article: Examining and explaining the role of diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in controlling cyber threats

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Assistant Professor of International Relations, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil, Iran (corresponding author)

2 Assistant professor and faculty member of Farabi University, Tehran, Iran

3 Master's degree in political science


Diplomacy has a long history in the political history of the world. The tendency towards power and protection of interests and the fear of war and its unfortunate consequences have been influential in the creation and development of diplomatic relations; On the other hand, the capabilities and facilities of the cyberspace have caused many countries to show great interest in using this space in the 21st century in order to facilitate the administration of the affairs of their societies, and this space, while creating opportunities, can also create risks. It created irreparable problems for governments, and the cyber space of the Islamic Republic of Iran is no exception to this rule; This research was conducted with the aim of investigating the role of diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in controlling cyber threats. It is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. The statistical population of this research is 258 people and the number of statistical sample is 100 people using Cochran's formula. Citing library sources and field research and based on the analysis of questionnaires, the findings of the research show that the official diplomacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran using bilateral or multilateral cyber treaties can reduce the effect of cyber threats against national interests and public diplomacy The Islamic Republic of Iran has enlightened the public opinion at the international level and due to the expansion of the cyberspace in all parts of the world, it has put the statesmen of the countries that are enemies of the Islamic Republic of Iran in a dilemma to act against the interests of the country.


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