Research paper: Investigating the logistics management capabilities of the Iranian Armed Forces in reducing injuries in natural crises.    

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil, Iran

2 Doctoral student of Business Administration, Faculty of Social Sciences, Mohaghegh Ardabili University, Ardabil, Iran (corresponding author)


During the past years, many areas of the country have been affected by environmental crises such as floods and earthquakes. Reducing the damage of natural disasters has highlighted the importance of proper crisis management and coordination among logistics management factors. The method of the current research is a descriptive-survey, which was applied in terms of purpose and was implemented in the field. The statistical population of the present study is all the experienced and expert commanders and managers of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Iran, who were selected as a statistical sample of 383 people due to the unlimitedness of the statistical population and stratified random sampling. The data collection tool was the standard questionnaire of logistics and supply chain management and the researcher-made questionnaire of natural crisis. Analysis of research findings was done using Smart Pls software. Considering the ever-increasing use of military resources in providing relief during natural disasters, coordination between civilian human forces and armed forces employees is one of the biggest challenges and necessities that can be reduced with proper and timely logistics management. Due to natural crises, he took vital and necessary measures.


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