Research paper: designing the policy model of defense industries in order to achieve quality goals.

Document Type : research Artichel


1 1. PhD in Business Administration, Faculty of Management and Accounting, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran (Responsible author

2 Associate Professor, Department of Strategic Management, Faculty of Strategic Management, Higher National Defense University, Tehran, Iran

3 PhD student in Strategic Management, National Defense University, Tehran, Iran


Undoubtedly, the defense and military industries play an irreplaceable role in the sustainable development of a country, and this role is better played when the correct policy is made in this area. With regard to this goal, this is an applied and developmental research and is considered to be a review and verification of analytical factors; Also, the validity and reliability of this research was confirmed with Cronbach's alpha of 0.858 and content validity of 0.92. The number of statistical population was 116 people, of which 113 people were randomly selected. Previous researchers have proposed different influencing factors in policy making patterns. Due to the lack of a final model, the aim of this research was to identify and combine the factors introduced in past studies and achieve a single policy model for the country's defense industries in order to achieve quality goals. Since achieving a comprehensive model requires a complete study of previous literature, a systematic review method was used to achieve this goal. In this study, reliable domestic and foreign scientific databases were used in order to find the sources of related studies. Finally, by examining 68 studies related to the research topic, a pattern with 19 main factors and 273 secondary factors was identified. Since the process approach has been used in this study as the main policy approach, the authors of this study categorized the identified main and secondary factors in the form of a process model. Finally, by performing confirmatory factor analysis and removing three indicators, tangible and intangible results, the structure and final result of a model was introduced as a model emerging from previous studies.


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