Ph.D. student of Industrial Management Department, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch
Abstract Managerial competence is a tool to achieve desired organizational results or outcomes that managers use, and defense organizations as leading and strategic organizations must have a set of competent managers so that the organization can achieve its mission and goals. According to this issue, the current research was conducted with the aim of “designing a competency model for the managers of the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Support”, which is an applied research. In the first stage, by library research and interviews with experts and using the opinions of experts and using the theme analysis method, the competence model of the managers of the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Support was extracted in 140 basic themes, 13 organizing themes and 4 comprehensive themes. In the second stage, the model presented in the form of a researcher-made questionnaire was given to 20 experts in human resource management and its reliability was calculated as 0.989. Also, Smart-Plus software was used for data analysis and finally the validity and reliability of the model was also proved. Based on the presented model, the competence of the managers of the Ministry of Defense and support of the armed forces including individual competence (personality, moral, attitude, social, knowledge and ability); interpersonal competence (communicative and behavioral); It is organizational competence (skill, managerial and operational) and perceptual-cognitive competence (strategic and cognitive).
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pashaei holaso, A. (2022). Designing a competency model for managers of the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Support. Defence Studies, 20(78), 75-106.
pashaei holaso, A. . "Designing a competency model for managers of the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Support", Defence Studies, 20, 78, 2022, 75-106.
pashaei holaso, A. (2022). 'Designing a competency model for managers of the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Support', Defence Studies, 20(78), pp. 75-106.
A. pashaei holaso, "Designing a competency model for managers of the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Support," Defence Studies, 20 78 (2022): 75-106,
pashaei holaso, A. Designing a competency model for managers of the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Support. Defence Studies, 2022; 20(78): 75-106.