Effective factors on the defense-security considerations of the border of J.A. Iran and Turkey

Document Type : research Artichel


Member of the academic faculty and associate professor of the University and Institute of National Defense and Strategic Research


The way of defense and security on the Iran-Turkey border and the considerations affecting it require attention to all factors affecting the defense and security of the border in various natural, human, security, military, political, economic and cultural-social fields. Security defense considerations include two categories of negative and positive factors. Negative factors that are a combination of weakness and threat are called challenges, and positive factors with a combination of strength and opportunity are called drivers. In this article with the title "Effective Advancement of the Defense-Security Considerations of the Border between Iran and Turkey", an attempt has been made to examine the aforementioned advancements in dimensions (natural, human, economic, socio-cultural, political and military-security). be made The main purpose of the research is to explain the factors affecting the defense-security considerations of the Iran-Turkey border, which corresponds to the purpose of the main question of the research. This research is of the applied research type and was conducted based on descriptive, analytical and survey methods. The statistical population of this research to determine the roles of strength and opportunity of the factors, 45 people have been selected according to the characteristics of the research among the experts. Delphi technique has been used to confirm the promoters. Based on the analysis, the results of the research show that 10 promoters are effective on the defense-security considerations of the border between Iran and Turkey.


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ب. مصاحبه­ها

  1. مصاحبه حضوری محققین با سرهنگ ستاد دکتر علی لنگری کارشناس ارشد تخصصی معاونت بازرسی ستاد کل ن.م
  2. مصاحبه حضوری محققین با امیر سرتیپ2 ستاد دکتر بهزاد پورآزادی مشاور جانشین ستاد کل ن.م
  3. مصاحبه حضوری محققین با سرهنگ دکتر محسن رستمی عضو هیئت علمی دانشگاه عالی دفاع ملی.
  4. مصاحبه حضوری محققین با سرهنگ پیاده ستاد سید مهدی توکلی جبلی فرمانده گپار قرارگاه شمالغرب نزاجا.


ج. منابع انگلیسی

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