Designing a paradigm model for the development of sports of the Armed Forces of Iran through mass media Authors

Document Type : research Artichel


1 PhD student in Sports Management, Department of Sports Management, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Sports Management Department, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran* (corresponding author).

3 Professor of Sports Management Department, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


This research has been done with the aim of designing a paradigm model for the development of sports of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s armed forces through mass media. The research method is in terms of qualitative strategy and in terms of purpose and nature, developmental-applied according to the foundation’s data theorizing method with the Strauss and Corbin approach. The participants in the field work of the research were academic experts in sports management, communication and media, and managers of the sports headquarters of the armed forces by theoretical sampling, and theoretical saturation was achieved during the interview with the 20th expert. Data analysis was done with open, central and selective coding of documents and semi-structured interviews during five rounds of interviews until reaching a theoretical consensus to identify the categories of the central phenomenon, causal conditions, background, intervention, strategies and consequences. The research tool was the coding sheets according to the researcher’s guidelines, the validity of which was confirmed by the members of the research group, and its reliability was calculated using the P-Scott criterion (agreement coefficient between coders) of 0.95. Qualitative results in the form of 28 categories, 165 conceptual codes and 218 items in the heart of the 6 dimensions of the paradigm model in the form of causal conditions (6 categories, 38 concepts and 43 items), the main and central phenomenon (4 categories, 12 concepts and 21 items), strategies (3 categories, 28 concepts and 45 items), background conditions (6 categories, 32 concepts and 37 items), intervening or mediating conditions (5 categories, 23 concepts and 30 items), and consequences (4 categories, 32 concepts and 42 items) ), took place. As a result, the antecedents and results of the development of sports of the Iranian armed forces through mass media can be useful and practical. The development of armed forces sports in the country requires structural, strategic, managerial and professional reforms.


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