Manpower indicators of the command and control network of Khatam al-Anbia air defense joint base of the country

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Doctorate in Strategic Defense Science Management - National Defense University.

2 دانشجوی دکتری رشته سیاست دفاعی دانشگاه عالی دفاع ملی( نویسنده مسئول)،


Manpower indicators of the command and control network of Khatam al-Anbia air defense joint base of the country
Summary In today's uncertain and competitive world, the only main factor that can guarantee stability and excellence in the survival of organizations is the existence of knowledgeable, creative and capable human resources, which is important considering the sensitivity of military organizations and Especially the air defense sector, which relies on correct, quick, intelligent decisions and their non-stop implementation, is extremely important. The command and control network is designed with the aim of using all the facilities and capabilities of the organization in the shortest possible time and integrating activities. Over time, it has been known as a superior factor in military operations, especially air defense. Among the main components of the command and control network, human power, as the most basic component of this set, has the ability to influence the promotion, degradation, or elimination of the effectiveness of the entire set. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to calculate the indicators of the dimension of manpower. The command and control network of the Khatam-al-Anbiya (peace be upon him) air defense joint base of the country was designed in accordance with the research question. The type of research is applied-developmental and the research method is descriptive-analytical with a mixed approach. To answer the research question, based on the characteristics of the statistical population, the number of 140 experts in this field was purposefully determined and the questionnaire was distributed among them. Data analysis shows that the dimension of human resources with 4 components and 20 indicators, which is the codified and common training index, the most important indicator of the organizational culture component, the competence and knowledge and skill capability index, the most important indicator of the command and management component , the education index based on the mission, the promotion of air defense culture and the integrated education system, were recognized as the most important indicators of the education component and the expert and expert index in the field of command and control knowledge were recognized as the most important indicators of the individual characteristic component of the human resources dimension.


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