The principles and rules of cyber doctrine of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the field of defense and security

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Ph.D. in strategic cyberspace management, National Defense University (corresponding author)

2 Associate Professor of Malik Ashtar University of Technology

3 Associate Professor of the Higher National Defense University

4 Assistant Professor of National Defense University


The investigation of defense-security incidents shows that national security in the Islamic Republic of Iran has been greatly affected by the cyber space. On the other hand, the strategic defense and security management system tries to ensure the achievement of goals and the expected outputs of the defense-security field. An important part of this system is to explain or determine things such as doctrinal principles and rules, policies and strategies. Formulating the principles and rules of the defense-security cyber doctrine leads to consistency in procedures, creating powerful deterrence and helping to prevent future conflicts. This article intends to codify the principles and rules of the cyber doctrine of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the field of defense and security based on the theoretical foundations of cyber doctrine. The approach of this research is qualitative and it uses the method of library and field collection (focus interview and referring to the opinions of experts using the purposeful snowball sampling method). Researchers, with the benefit of top-level documents in the Islamic Republic, including the Constitution, the statements of the Supreme Leader (Madazla Al-Ali), the general policies of the system, and other organizational and government documents, using the method of theme analysis in relation to the compilation of principles (3 principles) and rules (17 items) of cyber doctrine They have acted in the field of defense and security. The reliability of the obtained concepts is based on the authoritative documents of the Islamic Republic, and its validity is based on Creswell's point of view and through a third party.


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