The Requirements of Empathy and Compassion for the State and Nation in the Terms of the Supreme Leader

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Faculty member of the faculty of Farabi science and technology

2 Master of Science in Information and Information Security, Faculty of Farabi Sciences and Technology


This article try to study the requirements of empathy and compassion for the state and nation in the terms of the Supreme Leader by answer to this question "What are The requirements of empathy and compassion for the state and nation? “Therefore we reviewed the Supreme Leader`s. The method of this research is applying and content analysis and we used Fairclough three-level model includes a description, interpretation and explanation. In this context, the sample consist 32 people. The research questionnaire validity by applying the comments of experts, authentication obtained using Cronbach's alpha reliability (0/84) indicates that the questionnaire has acceptable reliability. The results indicate that the factors such as mutual trust between state and nation, unity and concord for the sake of divine goals and create an Islamic model for society, giving priority to national interests, there is strong government and resourceful, and one of speech and responsible action from requirements empathy and compassion government and people of the Islamic Republic of Iran.


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