Research article: Investigating the effect of psychological warfare on anxiety and failure

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Assistant professor and faculty member of the Higher National Defense University

2 Assistant Professor of Shahid Beheshti University of Sciences

3 Associate Professor of Shahid Beheshti University of Sciences

4 Assistant professor and faculty member of Daffodil University, Islamic Republic of Iran Army

5 Professor, member of the faculty of Davos University, Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran


Today, psychological warfare has become a widely used tool to change the culture, beliefs and values of a nation and society, and any neglect of it will cause irreparable damage to the bodies of nations. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of psychological warfare on the anxiety and frustration of Tehran society. The current research is descriptive and analytical and the data were analyzed using multivariate regression. The statistical population of the research was among the ordinary people of Tehran. In this way, 1000 subjects were selected from 5 regions of Tehran and the questionnaires were given to them. The research tools were Beck's anxiety questionnaire (BAI) and Gilbert's feeling of failure scale, which has two dimensions of internal and external failure, and to investigate the effect of psychological warfare, the researcher made a media warfare questionnaire that has two dimensions of rumor mongering and reality distortion. is used
The results of the research showed that the rumination dimension is a good predictor for the variables of anxiety, internal and external failure and has a significant positive relationship with them, while the dimension of reality distortion has no significant relationship with the variables of anxiety and failure. It has no internal or external and is not a good predictor in relation to these issues. Conclusion: Based on the obtained results, war mentality can have an effect on anxiety and every dimension of failure of ordinary people, and the existence of this is a sign of more attention of policy makers in this field.



    فهرست منابع

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