Research article: Introducing the strategies of the defense culture authority of J.A. Iran in the region based on the perspective document 1404

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Graduated with a PhD in Defense Policy from the Higher National Defense University

2 BOSSMember of the Faculty of Imam Hossein University


Culture, as a software aspect of power, has always been the most influential among the components of power and is considered one of the most fundamental requirements for the defense power of any country. Cultural power, while being a means of defense and conquest, can influence other components of power and strengthen or weaken it. And this importance is evident in the documents and orders of the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Supreme Leader. The main purpose of this article is to formulate strategies for gaining the superior defense power of the region in the field of culture based on document 1404 and factors and indicators related to it. Descriptive and inferential methods have been used in this research. The statistical population includes experts in cultural and defense affairs, and the sample size is 60 people. Based on this, by using the SWOT analysis method, each of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats were identified according to the internal and external environment of the country and appropriate strategies were selected, and by using the TOPSIS method, strategies were prioritized and finally 8 superior strategies in the field of culture were selected and suggested, and the analysis shows that we are in an aggressive mode in terms of the superior defense power of the region in the cultural field. Therefore, it can be concluded that the first strategy is considered the most appropriate strategy. Therefore, the most appropriate strategy for the cultural dimension of the superior defense power is to connect the current and future generations of the country with the proud generation of the Islamic Revolution through the explanation of the theoretical foundations and epistemology and the development of the experiences gained from the culture of sacred defense with proper planning for conceptualization. It is for posterity


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