The requirements for the formation of future research centers in the Research and Self-Sufficient Jihad organizations of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army

Document Type : research Artichel


1 The future research master's student of the University of the Command and Staff of the Army

2 Assistant professor and member of the faculty of the Army Command and Staff University

3 Master of Climate Geography, Islamic Azad University


The position of future studies in research organizations whose main mission and philosophy of existence is identifying the needs of weapons, equipment, research and presenting new products is much more prominent than other organizations. Therefore, according to the notification of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, the research and self-sufficient Jihad organizations of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army have been required to establish future research centers in order to monitor science and technology in order to create superior defense systems. This research was conducted with the aim of investigating the requirements for the establishment of future research centers in the mentioned organizations. The method of carrying out the research is descriptive, in order to achieve the desired goal and answer the research questions, a questionnaire with 17 questions with a 5-option Likert scale was compiled and validated. Then, a sample of 78 people, including experts and managers of the Aja industrial research field, who were familiar with the research subject, were selected by a multi-stage random method and answered the questionnaire through the sample size estimation formula. The analysis of the data showed that an organizational forecast with formality, low concentration and high complexity should be formed in the body of the mentioned organizations, which has administrative infrastructure equipped with computer equipment and high-speed internet platform with access to strong library resources and documents. The mentioned center should have expert and quality human resources with the allocation of special organizational credits to carry out current affairs. Using influential people with high organizational credibility on a part-time basis, holding courses, future research workshops, providing university seats and the field of education for employees in modern sciences will be fruitful in advancing the goals of future research centers.


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