Measuring and assessing Threats of the Region Countries against I.R. of Iran Using the Islamic Republic of Iran Army Model for the Strategic Studies Center for the Assessment of Threats

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Expert in Strategic issues and PH.D of National Security

2 Expert of National Security and PH.D of National Security Studies


Failure to estimate the future threats of I.R. of Iran that could have a negative effect on the mission of the Armed Forces has always been the main concern for the commanders. The purpose of this study is to determine the severity of these threats against I.R. of Iran that could contribute to the success of the mission of these forces. This research seeks to answer this question: What is the priority of the threats against I.R of Iran? In order to analyze the research data and validate the collected data, descriptive and inferential statistics and systematic analysis method have been used. The research method has been descriptive and its approach was an applied one. Explaining the theoretical foundations and influential factors on threats were conducted using library resources and doing field research, holding elite sessions, interviewing experts and using a questionnaire. The statistical population of this research consisted of 60 the experts, researchers and elites of the AJA’s Strategic Studies Center, and the elites of the Armed Forces and Security of Research, Scientific and Academic Centers. The results of the research show that the most important threatening countries of I.R. of Iran are the United States and the Zionist regime, respectively and the arrangement of the six regional countries has also been identified regarding the threat against I.R. of Iran.


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