The Necessary Combined Commanding Model of the Military Organizations

Document Type : research Artichel


Researcher and PH.D of Defense Policy


The correct training of human resource is very complicated and the deviance and damage resulting from an improper training is very detrimental. The training of commanders, leaders and military leaders is based on the values ​​of the pure Islam is an internal process, and a without-root and exterior imposed action leads to attenuation and reduction of the effectiveness of the military organizations. In this paper, after analyzing the theoretical perspectives and theories about the definitions, elements in the realm of commandership and leadership, the researcher answers the main question that what are the effective factors and indices in the combinational military commanding model of the military organizations. This research is an applied study and used a case-field and correlational method by selecting a statistical sample from the statistical population (126 subjects who were selected by a stratified sampling with a purposeful approach, 30 individuals were selected). The findings show that the combined commanding involves the following 6 components of perceptual skills, technical skills, faculty skills, military leadership, self-esteem and creativity with relevant indicators that play a role in the design of a necessary combined commanding model for the military organizations.


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