Elements and Consequences of Identity War against I.R. of Iran

Document Type : research Artichel


PH.D of Strategic Defense Sciences and Future War Researcher


Identity war identifies the common interests of individuals and relates them in different groups. In this war, the sub-cultures feel to be eliminated by the dominant culture, so it seeks the help of the security services of the rival countries so that on power from the outside by embarking on the existing platform secures its own interests towards strengthening cultural fault. Identity warfare is carried out in the course of synchronization of cultural, ethnological, national, ethnic and etc. faults. The main purpose of this article is to explain the components and consequences of identity war against Iran. This research is a descriptive-analytic study with a quantitative and qualitative approach and is of an applied nature. The method of data collection is field study and library information and the sample population is 66 people. The components of the identity war include: Existence of basic ideological faults, interventionists and actors, and conflicting Islamic discourses. The most dangerous consequence of this war is the failure to realize the modern Islamic civilization, transformation of the geographical boundaries into the ideological boundaries and the possible beginning of the Third World War, so the identity war is an all-inclusive war and is carried out in the cultural, political, economic, military, religious, security and geographic dimensions.


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