Designing an Organizational Knowledge Model for the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran; Based on the statements of the Supreme Leader

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Associate professor at the 18th and head of the Faculty of Communications Sciences and Media Studies

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Communication Sciences, Allameh Tabataba'i University

3 Ph.D. student of Communication Sciences, Allameh Tabataba'i University (MA) and Senior Researcher at I.R of Iran Army Strategic Studies Center.


Nowadays, as a result of the performance of the new media with a beyond-time and beyond-place  peculiarities, on the one hand new and varied needs emerged in the social realm; on the other hand, with the authority of dominant powers in controlling communication technologies and the power of producing inappropriate content, without considering humanitarian values in line with their political objectives, has created conditions that, if neglected, the irreversible dangers threaten the target societies. Of course, these technologies provide the accurate capacity to respond to the real needs of the community and to neutralize the conspiracies. The purpose of this research is to design an organizational awareness model with an emphasis on AJA, based on the statements of the Supreme Leader, and is an applied research with a qualitative approach which has been used to obtain a precise and scientific model with a data-based approach.
The researcher through referring to the archives of the Supreme Leader's statements has identified 471 symbols in 32 concepts and 6 main categories. In qualitative data analysis three-step method of open, axial, and selective coding has been used. A paradigm model is used to explore the relationship between the categories with each other. Based on the results of this study, the critical phenomenon is: The mental discovery of the facts is derived from the four concepts of the promotion of the level of intellectual, consciousness, knowledge and insight. Casual conditions: Response to the audience's need, the necessity for development, the gray space of the information world, the media domination of arrogance, and the divine responsibility of the sovereignty towards the people. Background conditions: The legitimacy and acceptability of the ruling apparatus, the rule of the religious and national values ​​and ... Meddling conditions: The enemy's soft performance, the quantity and quality of the budget and communication programs, the quantity and quality of communication tools, and etc. Strategic category: Identifying friends and enemies, explaining the opportunities and threats, and etc.  Consequence categories: Growth and excellence of the human capitals, companionship of individuals, avoidance of surprise, preservation of the borders and the system of I.R. of Iran and etc.


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