An Investigation of Correlation of Power Resources with National Power for Top 10 Countries in the World

Document Type : research Artichel


Academic member of DAFUS of Islamic Republic of Iran Army


Investigation and explanation of the contribution of power sources (economic power, political power, social-cultural power, military power, territorial power, scientific and technological power, cross-border power, and spatial power) in the national power and their proper composition has always been a concern for the researchers of geography, international relations and so on. Therefore, in this research, efforts were made to identify and analyze the factors affecting national power and the relationship between them. Finally, after comprehensive and scientific studies, the most effective factors in the national power of selected countries were recognized with regard to the amount and severity of each of them as the following: civil power (rate: very high and intensity: 0.93), spatial power (rate: high & intensity: 0.84), cross-border power (rate: high & intensity: 0.80) and economic power (rate: high & intensity: 0.78). The present study is applied and its related research method correlates with the correlation method. The statistical population of the research includes the tutors with academic rank of associate professors, assistant professors and trainers in the specialties and trends related to military sciences, strategic management, social sciences, geography and economics serving at the level of I.R. of Iran armed force. Using the Cochran formula, the population size of the sample was 133 individuals. The statistical sampling method is stratified random sampling. Data collection was done by using field and library methods, using documentation and records, interviewing the experts and a researcher-made questionnaire. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated 0.89 using the bisection method.


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