Developing Geopolitical Strategies to Achieve I. R. of Iran's Critical Regional Defense Capacity in line with the 1404 Vision Plan

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Assistant Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences University and National Defense Research Institute and Strategic Research

2 Ph.D. Strategic Defense Sciences University and National Defense Research Institute and Strategic Research

3 Ph.D. in Defense Policy, University and National Defense Research Institute and Strategic Research


The present study seeks to study Iran's geopolitical state in the region to develop strategies for converting I.R. of Iran to the superior power of the region on the horizon of 1404. This research is quantitative and conducted using a survey method. In the framework of quantitative survey in the first stage and using library and exploratory studies, the theoretical framework was prepared and the relevant variables were extracted and then, using a questionnaire along with interviews, the data were collected and analyzed by statistical methods. The research, in terms of its purpose, is applied and its statistical population includes 45 specialists with a Ph.D. or M.A. degree in geopolitics and defense affairs, which have been counted regarding their small number. The results show that 5 factors of the extension of the territory, strategic depth, communicative status, domination of the Strait of Hormuz and using the advantage of religious groups determine the strategies of Iran to achieve superior power in the region. Based on these factors, 6 specific strategies, their formulation and prioritization were also presented.


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