Identification of Factors and Elements Influencing the Development of Iran's Cyber-Power Citation Policy Based on Communicative Policies and High Level Documents

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Ph.D. student of Cyber Security, University and Research Institute of National Defense and Strategic Research

2 Associate Professor of Malek Ashtar University of Technology

3 Assistant Professor of University and Research Institute of National Defense and Strategic Research


Cyberspace is a set of cyber-based capabilities that can be used to support national power and to achieve strategic goals in cyberspace and beyond it. Strategic planning and macro-policymaking in this area require the formulation of guiding principles to guide and lead the necessary activities and measurements in order to achieve national goals and interests that are being pursued in the form of a cyber-power doctrine. In this paper, the main objective is to identify the factors and components that influence the formulation of a cyber power doctrine in Iran's pre-emptive notification policies and high level documents. This research, in terms of purpose, is fundamental and, in terms of the nature and method of data collection, is a descriptive-case study. The approach used to analyze data is also qualitative and based on the method of content and analysis the meta-synthesis. The collected data is analyzed by MAXQDA software after scanning. Findings of this research show that dealing with world domination, intelligent and influential dealing in global interactions, is one of the basic principles in developing a cyber power doctrine in communicative policies. Also, in high level documents, emphasis has been placed on shaping cyber legal and judicial rules and promotion of Islamic culture and values ​​as a basis for strategic policies and goals in the direction of cyber-power.


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