Presenting a Jihadist Management Pattern in the Defense Industry of the Islamic Republic of Iran with an Approach of Resistance Economy

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Ph.D. Graduate in Human Resource Management, Malek Ashtar University of Technology

2 Professor of Malek Ashtar University of Technology

3 Assistant Professor Malek Ashtar University of Technology

4 Associate Professor of Malek Ashtar University of Technology


Jihadist management and resistive economy in the defense industry provide defensive deterrence through the internal construction of power under the patronage of the Supreme Leader. In the present research, the authors were seeking to present a pattern of Jihadist management in the defense industry and then examined the impact of Jihadist management on the resilient economy. Therefore, the main aim of this research is to provide a model of Jihadist management in terms of resilient economy in the defense industry of Islamic Republic of Iran. This research is an applied research. The statistical population included the defense industry staff. Sampling was done decisively to select experts. The results of the research showed that Jihadist management has a positive and significant impact on resistive economy. Finally, the applied suggestions resulting from the research were provided in order to implement Jihadist management and resistive economy in the defense industry.


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