Investigating the Role of Cooperative Combat during Holy Defense and Introducing its Impact Model on the Defense Foundation of Iran

Document Type : research Artichel


Holder of Ph.D. degree in Sociology and Faculty Member (Assistant Professor) of the National Defense Research and Strategic Research University and Research Center


Since the formation of the Islamic Revolution and then the beginning of the imposed war, some jihadists and staff of the armed forces have been martyred or lost, become veteran and Azadeh. Therefore, a part was formed as a "combat cooperative" in the body of the armed forces. The main aim of this research is to achieve "how to achieve the strengthening of the defense foundation through consideration of the role and activities of the combat cooperation during the Holy Defense." Based on this objective and with regard to the theoretical issues regarding war, defense foundation and measures of the combat cooperation, the conceptual model (three-fold variables of dimensions of the Combat cooperation based on the dependent variable indices such as defense foundation enhancement) was considered. This research was of applied-developmental kind and was conducted using an mixed method with an exploratory approach and conducting an expert meeting and in-depth interviews with holy defense commanders, a the questionnaire was distributed among the selected provinces among the holy defense warriors (Quota Sampling). The validity of the instrument was measured by the Lavosh method and for model test a regression analysis was conducted. Finally, regarding the precise study of documents and open interviews with the experts in the field of combat cooperation and holy defense operations, as well as inspiration from the discussions and negotiations of the "Session of expertise", the issues and questions of the future wars in the form of two scenarios "post-industrial wars" and " asymmetric wars were considered and the role and function of "the combat cooperation" was raised in these two scenarios.


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    ب. منابع انگلیسی

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