Examination of the Aspects and Characteristics of Work Communities in the Aerospace Industry

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Professor, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, University of Science and Technology

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, University of Science and Technology

3 Associate Professor of Applied Management and Technology University, Malek Ashtar University of Technology

4 Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology


Work communities are one of the most effective tools in the knowledge management. The main objective of this study is identifying the organizational variables that affecting on work communities and studying their effects on the structural dimensions of the work communities, Therefore, while offering a theoretical model of the relationship between organizational factors and social factors of work communities, we had used the structural equivalents model with partial least squares approach to explain this relationship. In this study, it has been studied the 84 social work communities of five cruise industry, defense medium-range, anti-armor, ballistic and long-range defense. The results show that work communities and organizational variables, respectively, each of them possess four main dimensions; “communities navigation, members features, community structure and purpose” and “IT infrastructure, organization features and structure, the features of organization members and the organization's goals” and type of work communities’ structure  will be different in five surveyed area of the aerospace industry, with considering the positive effect of organizational variables.


  1. الف. منابع فارسی

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