Activation Youth Strategies For Promote I.R. Iran`s National Authority

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Associate Professor of Law and Political Science College, Allameh Tabatabaei University

2 Student in the 7th PhD in National Security Studies at the National Defense University


This study asked; what are the most appropriate strategies to enable young people for the development of national power in I.R. Iran? And; what are the main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the youth in this context? Type of research is functional, its method is survey method and sample size is 400 that Consisting of 300 Youth 15 to 29 years old and 100 Expert in the field of youth. The data collection tool is questionnaire and interviews based on the SWOT model that it was developed based on 45 factors. As a result, The advent of the fourth generation of young people as a generation technology, professional and educated is the most important strong point, unemployment and reduced employment opportunities commensurate with experience and education is the most important weak point, scientific advances the country's youth and promote their academic standing in the world is the most important opportunity and cultural aggression is the most serious threat. The proposed strategy is "organization and development of all youth activities in the field of cultural, social, political, economic, scientific-technological and military planning to strengthen sectorial and cross-sectorial strengths, overcome weaknesses, the maximum benefit from the opportunities, threats and turn them into opportunities".


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