Investigate and ratings the enablers of knowledge management Case study: Command system and the control of a central organization

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Associate Professor of System Management and Productivity, Malek Ashtar University

2 PhD student in Strategic Knowledge Management at Higher National Defense University


In order to achieve core competencies, organizations need to create the necessary capacity, including the management of knowledge. In this study that is an applied and developing research, we have reviews and ratings with using descriptive and inferential statistics, analyze quantitative and qualitative library and field data collection tool, the enablers of knowledge management`s command system and control of a military defense organization. The statistical samples are 110 people in the three spectrum of "excellent management", "executive management", and "Operating and technical staff", who were selected by random sampling. SPSS software was used for data analysis. The importance of them was ranking through trial compare the means of "T", effective components and identified through "Friedman" test. The results shows that the staff of IT, strategy, structure, culture, processes and leadership are the enablers of knowledge management`s command system. As well as, the organizational culture is the highest and the strategy is the lowest influential factor. Then, check out the enabling factors in each of the four traditional model of command and control system.


  1. الف. منابع فارسی

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