The ways of dealing with cyber threats against the Islamic Republic of Iran with emphasis on the role of technology and human resources

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Master of Information Technology Engineering, Researcher and Lecturer

2 PhD student in strategic management, researcher and lecturer

3 M.Sc. in Political Geography, Researcher


The enemies have changed his strategy against the Islamic regime, because it’s hard and costly failure in terms of its threats. Use of existing capabilities in cyberspace is at the center of global imperialism as a confrontation strategy against I.R. Iran. This study is aimed to identify and assess cyber threats in the field of software and hardware, existing damage, and provide opportunities to dealing of them. For this purpose, the basic components were evaluated in the field of threats, damages and opportunity through interviews with 52 experts in the field of cyberspace, and by completing a questionnaire with Cronbach's alpha 0/86. The results showed that the Economic, military and security dimensions have the most influence against cyber threats and the most vulnerable is the use of exotic equipment and non-compliance of passive defense. Also, according to expert opinion, we were offered in the field of IT security compliance space, information exchange, development and transfer of security operations centers, data storage centers in the country and we were presented in the field of human resources, a model to identify, empower, and networking in the field of workers cyber.


  1. الف. منابع فارسی

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