The Introduction of Quantitative Indicators to Measure the Consumption Pattern Reform and Improving Productivity in the Administrative and Logistics Systems of I.R. Iran's Armed Forces

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Graduate MBA

2 PhD Student of Social Welfare, Allameh Tabatabai University

3 Master of Defense Management, Imam Hussein University

4 M.Sc. Student in Communication, Imam Reza University


The countries armed forces are the part of capacities security’s production,­ that they allocated a large proportion of countries’ resources ­ and does not need to prove that attention to making the true cost and best use of resources that assigned to them. This study examines the administrative and logistics systems with a clear definition of these two systems. This study is a quantitative and qualitative studies (combined), which it was conducted by depth interviews and a survey and study the documents. The populations of the article are some of ­ the I. R.  Iran’s military and the Iranian Revolutionary Guards of the Islamic Revolution and we interviewed with 19 people and officials and gathering questionnaires.­ The sample size are 760 personnel from the army and the guards, and then we reached to some the indexes ­and measures of efficiency. The finding of the present study is enumerating 157 indexes for assay and 75 proposed solutions to improve the efficiency and consumption patterns.


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