Analysis of America’s Military Strategies in the Present and Future Wars

Document Type : research Artichel


PhD Student of Defense Management at National Defense University, Researcher and Member of Future War Desk at Defense Strategic Research Center


This paper studied with the aim of U.S. military strategy’s deliberation in the present and future wars by applying context method. The population estimated 110 people, according to the experts that the sample size was 41 by using the Cochran formula. The results show that U.S. attempted ­ with building coalitions and proxy war for the destruction of cultural and social infrastructure, in the recent wars; diplomatic pressure and change the behavior of the authorities and people are some of the America’s another method. United States will follow at future wars­ by building combinative coalition ­ and use of new technologies for the identification and implementation of a hybrid war, so, the best way to deal with America’s current and future threats is to resistance war by an approach to the cognitive axis. United States’ view on war is that the governments ­will win without fighting and fail countries without they win. Thus, the methods ­for coping this idea are "prevention of discord between Shiites and Sunnis, populating the defense, institutionalizing the culture of resistance, preventing the formation ­of transnational and subnational groups­, strengthen the discourse of diplomacy and negotiations".


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