The Evolution in the Armed Forces of Iran from the Perspective of Iran's Supreme Commander-in-Chief

Document Type : research Artichel


1 Associate Professor Imam Hussein University of Technology

2 Head of Department of Organization and Management of Strategic Center of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps


Organization evolution is a change strategy that is based on theory, practical ways and the values. In some circumstance that not optimized use from individuals, groups and organizations, organization evolution could be improve the situation. The transformation in the armed forces needs to a depth research that leads to a general model and so it could implement in other sectors. The goal of this research is the understanding and explaining the evolution in the Iran`s armed forces from the perspective of Supreme Commander-in-Chief. That is the principle question; what are the themes of armed forces evolution from the perspective of Supreme Commander? And what are the fundamental, organizer and comprehensive themes of transformation on his views? 10 themes are organizer and one theme is comprehensive, from total 110 themes. The comprehensive theme is "the renovation of armed forces in the shadow of religion (ethics), independence and efficiency" and organizer themes are "the reason for evolution”, “the why of evolution”, “the foundations of evolution"," the guidance principles for evolution”, “the approach of evolution”, “the types of evolution”, “how the performance of evolution”, “the changed organization features of I. R. Iran`s armed forces"," the requirements of evolution" and "evolution results"


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