The Strategic Role of Islands in the Marine Power and Domination of Countries

Document Type : research Artichel


Assistant Professor Imam Hussein University of Technology


Islands as a part of the territory of each country have strategic importance to the many reasons and the countries for obtain or maintain its sovereignty over its, sometimes they also go to the great wars. In this study, we used purposefully stratified sampling method. The sample of this research consist a total of 79 persons. According to the documents and thinkers in various fields of defense, economic, cultural and social, political and legal, we extracted strategic factors parameters with using descriptive and inferential methods. The finding revealed that test hypotheses approved defense component with 86 percent, economic component with 80 percent, social and cultural component with 71 percent, political component with 84 percent, legal component with 84 percent and the main research question was in total 81 percent; in other words, it can be concluded that the islands are a one of the marine power and domination of countries.


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