Identification, Evaluation, and Analysis of Risk of Non-implementation of Human Resources Strategies in Military Organizations

Document Type : research Artichel


Professor of Aja University of Command and Staff


The aim of this research was to identify and evaluate the risks (hazards) of not implementing human resources strategies in one of the military organizations and to prioritize them based on the failure mode and effect analysis. This research was a descriptive-analytical applied study with a mixed approach and the movement was from qualitative to quantitative end. Library and field methods have been used to collect data. First, by studying the theoretical foundations and interviewing senior executives and also by using risk failure structure, the risks associated with each strategy are determined. Then based on the extracted indices from the interview, a questionnaire was prepared and after proving its validity and reliability, the questionnaire was distributed among 60 specialists and experts. The collected data were analyzed at two levels of descriptive and inferential statistics. These worksheets were then distributed to a group of senior executives during a group meeting and the priority number of each risk was identified. Finally, the risk due to non-implementation of human resources strategies of the organization was prioritized using risk priority number. According to the results of the questionnaire data among 54 identified hazards, 28 risks were identified as the most important risk regarding evaluation in the failure analysis worksheet and its effects were considered as the basis of the work.


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